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soventec is a partner in the INTAKT innovation cluster, which is dedicated to the development of a new generation of active networked implants. Nerve and muscle structures are stimulated on the basis of medical measurements recorded in real time and controlled by the patient according to the specific needs or individual condition of the patient. The development focus of these innovative adaptive systems is on the design of completely new human-technology interactions between patients and their implants as well as the treating physician. Ethical, legal and social questions are considered during the entire development phase. The project will generate as universal a basic technology as possible for a multitude of medical applications. These include the suppression of tinnitus, the partial restoration of gripping functions of the hand and the treatment of gastrointestinal motility disorders.

For the first time, this new generation of implants can take into account larger, contiguous tissue sections and organs in their entirety. In addition, patients are empowered to help shape their own therapy. In this way, the care of those affected is noticeably improved and their quality of life significantly improved.

First fields of application are the remobilization of arms and hands after paraplegia, suppression of tinnitus and intestinal motility in digestive disorders. The networked INTAKT implants can offer solutions here. The aim is for treating physicians and patients to be able to communicate with the implant network via secure interfaces - and thus optimally tailor treatment to current needs.

soventec leads the workpackage human-machine interaction in the network.

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INTAKT als ausgezeichneter Ort im Land der Ideen

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